In a world driven by data and instinct, we tap into the neuroscience of the consumer. Because neuroscience has created every customer. ever.
Discover Gen3Who Uses GEN3:
What is GEN3:
Welcome to marketing’s third era: aiming at the one brain response that has created every customer, ever.
The World’s Most Powerful Ad Blocker isn’t software, it’s not a browser plug, it’s the thing between your ears.
Why use GEN3:
The pre-digital, analog days of three TV networks, print, and radio. Targeting was pure demographics, insights were questionnaires tabulated by hand, and creative was “the big idea” via intuition.
1965 – 1995
The age of digital shook the world. Ads creation focused in on ‘data-driven approaches’ like algorithms, analytics and later AI. Ad success in this era was built upon numbers and probability. But just like gen1, its just another form of guesswork.
1995 – 2025
The success stories of previous gens were due to triggering the resonance response out of luck. But with gen3, the era defined by neuroscience, there is no more luck. Intentionally target this brain state and create customers conclusively.
2025 Onward
Collectively, the surveyed marketers chose the highest performer [advertisements] 30% of the time. Individually, on average, each chose the highest performer 33% of the time.
Where to use GEN3:
ax•i•ol•o•gy | ˌaksēˈäləjē |
noun Philosophy
The study of the nature of value and valuation, and of the kinds of things that are valuable.
3rd Generation in marketing
Utilizing neuroscience to create consumers and drive decision.
The world's first neuroscience-based platform that powers Gen3 marketing, the next major era.
Capture your total addressable market, Claim consumer decision and control who gets to see your ads, all in one solution.
Visit ax3.ioDive into our fun personality test that pairs your unique traits with animal archetypes! Discover how your inner creature shapes your interactions with the world and unlock insights into your natural tendencies.
Find Your Wild SideThe gen3 Pardaox:
We show that a wide variety of people's personal attributes can be automatically and accurately inferred using social media data human behavior.
Private traits and attributes are predictable from digital records of human behavior